The Stallion Scoop: 21Jan22

The Stallion Scoop: 21Jan22
Posted on 01/21/2022
stallion scoop



Save the dates: 

Jan 25th 5:30pm - PSP meeting

Jan 26th 4-8pm - Spirit Night at Chick-Fil-A

Feb 11th 5-7pm - All School Dance


What’s Happening in Social Emotional Wellness?

K/1/2: Our focus will be on how to make friends. Students will practice asking others if they want to play. We will also talk about being a good listener for others.

3/4/5/6: We will be talking about emotions and emotional health. Students will be introduced to important things to know about their emotional health.



Each month we focus more closely on one trait - this month's EPICER trait is: INTEGRITY.

   * I am honest

   * I show empathy to those around me

   * I encourage and support others to do their best

   * I do what is right even when no one is watching and it is not the popular thing to do



Healthy Activities Family Night hosted by Sierra Middle School

Each year, Sierra Middle School hosts an evening filled with Healthy Activities through the Sources of Strength program.  Some of the activities include yoga, art stations, sports, and games. All families are welcome to join this free event which includes a variety of fun things students and parents can participate in.  Hope to see our Cherokee Trail families there! 

Mental Health Resources

I Matter – Parents and youth (ages 12 and older) can take a brief mental health screening and schedule 3 free counseling appointments.

10 Mental Health Benefits of Sports

Social Media

Social media is at the forefront of many students’ interests and activities outside of school.  While there can be positive takeaways, it can be challenging for youth to navigate.  Some data reports that too much social media can be detrimental to their mental health.  Keeping the lines of communication open and having a plan to keep up with current apps and setting limits can be helpful. Please take time to look at the two linked articles.

Avoiding Digital Drama

Knowing the Latest Apps

Family Resources

Weekly snack/food bags provided by Parker Task Force – If your family is interested in having a bag of snacks/food sent home in their student’s backpack weekly, please fill out this brief form.

Families with housing instability

Universal Free Meal Benefits



The Principal Chronicles continue....

As I write this, the temperature outside went from 60 degrees to 25 in less than 24 hours. Got to love that Colorado weather. Here at school, we are walking a fine line of having enough staff to be able to cover all of our unfilled sub positions. So far we have not reached a critical mass where we don't have enough staff but we have come close a couple of times. Fingers crossed we can weather the storm. Besides that, things are going well here at school. Our teachers are planning out how they want to finish out the year, getting ready for conferences, as well as beginning our prep for state testing. It is amazing how quickly these things come up. For me, I should be getting my 2022-2023 budget here pretty soon so I start living in two worlds. Lastly, this week marks an end to an era. Laurie O is retiring this week. She has been at this school forever and it will be awfully strange not to have her around every day. On behalf of our entire school and community, we wish her the best of luck and she begins her second career flying the friendly skies. 

On the personal side, we are still in the process of looking for a house for the second time in as many years. The housing market is nuts and my daughter and I are seriously considering living in a van down by the river. Besides that, my daughter has decided she is going to play golf for Legend High School. So in talking with the golf coach, it is going to cost close to $500 to play golf for the school. Who knew? Apparently, that includes her $110 golf uniform which was a bit of a sticker shock to me. I figured I could go to goodwill and bust out something plaid and call it good? (or maybe I've seen Happy Gilmore too many times?) Outside of that, she also needs to start her driving lessons so she can get her permit at fifteen and then get her license at sixteen. Yep, you guessed it, that is another $500. Anyone who says kids get cheaper as they grow up is wrong, they get way more expensive and talk to you way less. The struggle is real, my friends. 

That is it for this week's edition, stay tuned next for next week's edition. See you next time, when the principal chronicles continues. 


* Healthy Activities Night @ Sierra MS - 10Feb22 (flyer)
* Pop Warner Football (flyer)


* Science Matters STEM club (flyer)
* Chaparral Wrestling Club (flyer)
join CUB SCOUTS (flyer)

* STEM CLUBS (flyer)

The Principal Chronicles continues....

As I write this, the temperature outside went from 60 degrees to 25 in less than 24 hours. Got to love that Colorado weather. Here at school, we are walking a fine line of having enough staff to be able to cover all of our unfilled sub positions. So far we have not reached a critical mass where we don't have enough staff but we have come close a couple of times. Fingers crossed we can weather the storm. Besides that, things are going well here at school. Our teachers are planning out how they want to finish out the year with their planning, getting ready for conferences, as well as beginning our prep for state testing. It is amazing how quickly these things come up. For me, I should be getting my 2022-2023 budget here pretty soon so I start living in two worlds. Lastly, this week marks an end to an era. Laurie O is retiring this week. She has been at this school forever and it will be awfully strange not to have her around every day. On behalf of our entire school and community, we wish her the best of luck and she begins her second career flying the friendly skies. 

On the personal side, we are still in the process of looking for a house for the second time in as many years. The housing market is nuts and my daughter and I are seriously considering living in a van down by the river. Besides that, my daughter has decided she is going to play golf for Legend High School. So in talking with the golf coach, it is going to cost close to $500 to play golf for the school. Who knew? Apparently, that includes her $110 golf uniform which was a bit of a sticker shock to me. I figured I could go to goodwill and bust out something plaid and call it good? Or maybe I've seen Happy Gilmore too many times. Outside of that, she also needs to start her driving lessons so she can get her permit at fifteen and then get her license at sixteen. Yep, you guessed it, that is another 500$. Anyone who says kids get cheaper as they grow up is wrong, they get way more expensive and talk to you way less. The struggle is real, my friends. 

That is it for this week's edition, stay tuned next for next week's edition. See you next time, when the principal chronicles continues. 

NONDISCRIMINATION NOTICE: The Douglas County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, age, marital status, genetic information, or physical characteristics, disability or need for special education services in admissions, access to, treatment of, or employment in educational programs or activities. The School District’s Compliance Officer is Ted Knight, Assistant Superintendent, 620 Wilcox Street, Castle Rock, Colorado, [email protected], 303-387-0067. Complaint procedures have been established for students, parents, employees, and members of the public.