Welcome to the Cherokee Trail Elementary Library!
We are proud to share that our Library Collection is rated at the Exemplary Level. This means that our collection of books has an average age of seven years or newer and 16 or more books per student. In the Spring of 2023, our CTE Library was the only school in the District to achieve this rating.
School Library Collection Statistics
- 10,512 Digital and Print copies
- 2017 Average Age of Collection (exceeds the base goal of 2016)
- 49% of our Collection is Fiction titles (Literary texts)
- 51% of our Collection is Nonfiction (Informational texts)
- 53% of our Collections has a published date of 2018 and newer
- 3,543 titles support an environment that values and promotes equity and inclusion.
- 4,302 SEL titles support the skills to be emotionally intelligent, establish relationships and make responsible decisions.
Library Hours
8:30am-3:45pm, M/T/W/Th/F
The library is open before and after school
for book check out and clubs. Students are encouraged to visit any time to check out books, research, and read! Keep track of your reading with our Reading Log.
Interested in volunteering at the library?
Contact Mrs. Nottingham at