Colorado History
Colorado Department of Education - Offers primary source sets for elementary teachers and students grades k-6.
Colorful History - Free comic strips by Pop Culture Classroom that educate students about significant and diverse characters and events from Colorado's history.
Current Events
Newsela - Teachers can sign up for a free account through Gmail to access non-fiction content and recent news stories.
PBS Learning Media - Teachers can sign up for the Basic Free Version to access thousands of free, standards-aligned and curriculum targeted digital resources.
Smithsonian TweenTribune - Teachers can sign up for free to curate news articles for their classes to read & take quizzes. All news stories are leveled by grade/lexile.
Epic! - Instantly access 25,000 of the best books and videos for kids (free for educators).
International Children's Digital Library - A collection of digitized children's books from around the world.
Project Gutenberg - Multi-format digital library of eBooks.
Unite for Literacy - Free online access to a global library of age-appropriate picture books in a number of languages.
General Reference
Awesome Library - Organizes 37,000 carefully reviewed resources for k-12 teachers & students.
Digital Public Library of America - Connects people to the riches held within America's libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural institutions.
Internet Archive - Millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.
Internet Public Library - Authoritative internet resources on a wide variety of subjects.
Health Sciences & Medicine
PubMed - Provides access to MEDLINE, NLM's database of citations, abstracts, and full text related to the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, health care, and preclinical sciences.
Natural Sciences
PubChem - Provides information on the biological activities of small molecules.
Scientific Research
NASA Image and Video Library - 140,000 images, sounds, and video available and publicly searchable online.
National Science Digital Library - Serving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education.
Safe Search For Kids
Boolify - Teaches young learners how to correctly use a search engine and refine their searches.
Kiddle - Kid-friendly, Google Safe powered search engine for younger learners.
KidsClick! - Web search designed for kids, with kid friendly results.