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Databases are provided by Douglas County Libraries. When accessing these resources from home, you must login using your Douglas County Library card. Print the DCSD elementary research guide for your students.

OverDrive eBook Library

Participating schools can browse and enjoy eBooks and audiobooks anytime, anywhere, on any device. Students and staff login with their universal credentials to check out 3 titles at a time for a two-week lending period. After the lending period, the titles are automatically returned to the shelf!

Britannica Library Children

Provides current events and primary sources for K-6.

Britannica Learning Zone

Supports classroom curriculum and helps Pre-K through 2nd grade students to build technology skills. Works best in Firefox.

Culture Grams

Reliable cultural information on the countries of the world.

A vetted collection of instructional materials for teachers about children's and young adult books and authors.


An online collection of animated, talking picture and chapter books with fun educational games.

World Almanac for Kids

Covers various subjects and topics, as well as resources for homework help and teacher support.